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Working with SLAs

SLA visualization in TopLeft help you identify tickets that need attention so you can meet the agreements you've made with customers.

TopLeft helps you meet SLAs in a few ways.

Showing SLA Information on Cards

A ticket's SLA time can be shown on a card. Tickets whose SLA due date is within a certain period of time can be highlighted. This can make it clear which tickets are at risk of violating an SLA.

SLAs are displayed in one of three ways:

  1. Without a warning when the SLA is at no special risk.
  2. As a warning, when the SLA time is within the set threshold:
  3. As a failure, when the SLA has been violated.

(This shows ConnectWise SLAs; Autotask SLAs appear slightly differently.)

To show SLA dates and warnings, go to the board edit page, Column tab. On the columns where you want to show SLAs, click Advanced Options and change these fields:

  • SLA time: Enable this to show a ticket's next SLA due date on the card. When the SLA has been violated, it will be shown in red.
  • SLA warning: Set the threshold for when the field on the card will become orange, showing that the expiry time is approaching. Use the format "Xm", "Xh", or "Xd", where X is an integer. For example, to set the warning at one hour, use "60m" or "1h".

Ranking Tickets by Next SLA Time

TopLeft can automatically rank tickets in a column so that tickets with the most overdue SLA or least remaining SLA time appear at the top of the column.

See Ranking Cards.

Showing Only SLA-at-Risk Tickets on Boards

SLAs can be used for filtering in two ways:

  1. As a filter for all tickets on the board, or
  2. On a resource swimlane board as a filter for the unassigned swimlane only- this can be used to show technicians only the most at-risk unassigned tickets and not all unassigned tickets.

Filtering All Tickets

To only show tickets that are at risk of violating the SLA or that have already violated the SLA, go to the board edit page, Filters tab.

Set the SLA due field. Use the format described for the SLA warning field, above. This causes the board to only show tickets that will violate the SLA within the specified threshold, or have already violated the SLA.

The SLA due threshold is applied based on the current time of day, without considering the ticket's SLA working hours. For example, suppose a ticket's SLA due time is 9:00 AM and working hours are 8:30 AM to 5 PM. If the due filter was 60 minutes, the ticket would meet the threshold at 8 AM, not at 4:30 PM the previous day.

Filtering the Unassigned Swimlane

On boards with Resource swimlanes, an additional filter is available on the board page. This can be used to only show unassigned tickets whose SLA due date is within a certain period of time so that team members can have a single view of all their own tickets as well as any unassigned tickets that are at risk of violating an SLA.

To set this filter:

  1. Click the "Filters" button on the board page to open the filtering dialog.
  2. Set the "Unassigned Swimlane SLA Due" field using the same formatting as is available on the board edit page (for example, "2h" for 2 hours).
  3. Click Apply.

This filter, like all the filters in this form, applies only to your own view of the page, not to other user's view of the page. You can bookmark the filtered version of the page to quickly return to the filtered version.

Tutorial - Setting up SLA and Due Date warnings

Further Reading

