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  2. Connect TopLeft to Your PSA

Force Immediate Data Synchronization

Tell TopLeft to synchronize data with your PSA right away

TopLeft synchronizes data with your PSA periodically and when your PSA informs TopLeft records have changed. However, PSAs don't tell TopLeft about every type of change, and TopLeft synchronizes some types of data only infrequently because it doesn't change very often.

This means it can take a while for TopLeft to learn about certain changed data in your PSA. Most commonly this is seen when changing your list of ticket statuses.

You can force TopLeft to synchronize data so you don't have to wait until it happens automatically.

To force a sync, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Force Synchronization.
  2. Select the type of synchronization to run.
  3. Click Synchronize to start the sync job.
  4. View the progress of your request by clicking "synchronization jobs" or visiting the sync log page from the Admin menu.

For more information, see Understanding Data Synchronization.